Compute Principal Component Analysis Statistics (Mardia et al. 1979) to compare the probability distributions of quantitative traits between entire collection (EC) and core set (CS).

  center = TRUE,
  scale = TRUE,
  npc.plot = 6



The data as a data frame object. The data frame should possess one row per individual and columns with the individual names and multiple trait/character data.


Name of column with the individual names as a character string.


Name of columns with the quantitative traits as a character vector.


Character vector with the names of individuals selected in core collection and present in the names column.


either a logical value or numeric-alike vector of length equal to the number of columns of x, where ‘numeric-alike’ means that as.numeric(.) will be applied successfully if is.numeric(.) is not true.


either a logical value or a numeric-alike vector of length equal to the number of columns of x.


The number of principal components for which eigen values are to be plotted. The default value is 6.


A list with the following components.

EC PC Importance

A data frame of importance of principal components for EC

EC PC Loadings

A data frame with eigen vectors of principal components for EC

CS PC Importance

A data frame of importance of principal components for CS

CS PC Loadings

A data frame with eigen vectors of principal components for CS

Scree Plot

The scree plot of principal components for EC and CS as a ggplot object.

PC Loadings Plot

A plot of the eigen vector values of principal components for EC and CS as specified by npc.plot as a ggplot2 object.


Mardia KV, Kent JT, Bibby JM (1979). Multivariate analysis. Academic Press, London; New York. ISBN 0-12-471250-9 978-0-12-471250-8 0-12-471252-5 978-0-12-471252-2.

See also



ec <- cbind(genotypes = rownames(cassava_EC), cassava_EC)
ec$genotypes <- as.character(ec$genotypes)
rownames(ec) <- NULL

core <- rownames(cassava_CC)

quant <- c("NMSR", "TTRN", "TFWSR", "TTRW", "TFWSS", "TTSW", "TTPW", "AVPW",
           "ARSR", "SRDM")
qual <- c("CUAL", "LNGS", "PTLC", "DSTA", "LFRT", "LBTEF", "CBTR", "NMLB",
          "ANGB", "CUAL9M", "LVC9M", "TNPR9M", "PL9M", "STRP", "STRC",

ec[, qual] <- lapply(ec[, qual],
                     function(x) factor(as.factor(x)))

pca.evaluate.core(data = ec, names = "genotypes",
                  quantitative = quant, selected = core,
                  center = TRUE, scale = TRUE, npc.plot = 4)
#> $`EC PC Importance`
#>                             PC1      PC2      PC3       PC4       PC5       PC6
#> Standard deviation     2.303455 1.237223 0.996322 0.9455592 0.8817511 0.6251589
#> Proportion of Variance 0.530590 0.153070 0.099270 0.0894100 0.0777500 0.0390800
#> Cumulative Proportion  0.530590 0.683660 0.782930 0.8723400 0.9500900 0.9891700
#>                             PC7       PC8          PC9         PC10
#> Standard deviation     0.271212 0.1864651 4.033635e-15 1.338255e-15
#> Proportion of Variance 0.007360 0.0034800 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00
#> Cumulative Proportion  0.996520 1.0000000 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00
#> $`EC PC Loadings`
#>                PC1         PC2         PC3        PC4          PC5         PC6
#> NMSR   0.276022186  0.55062492  0.01668655 -0.1871023  0.248244608 -0.21686806
#> TTRN   0.293942565  0.20622412  0.17262243  0.3680853  0.581178024 -0.33878178
#> TFWSR  0.371192088  0.06599302 -0.07379106 -0.1852754 -0.463167012 -0.33058227
#> TTRW   0.334894681 -0.33211659  0.03783194  0.3153475 -0.297171591 -0.40373685
#> TFWSS  0.385024604  0.13341651 -0.08631304 -0.3426523  0.050559491  0.39246657
#> TTSW   0.362255093 -0.27969168  0.02022637  0.1585548  0.250560331  0.51748203
#> TTPW   0.403699747  0.11088360 -0.08613665 -0.2920918 -0.184053823  0.08318831
#> AVPW   0.380627616 -0.33011132  0.03067827  0.2497406  0.002748448  0.10913947
#> ARSR   0.011265368  0.52673026  0.37858111  0.5081543 -0.444763915  0.34913640
#> SRDM  -0.004586239  0.21186429 -0.89638345  0.3837654 -0.027148446  0.05797814
#>               PC7          PC8           PC9          PC10
#> NMSR   0.66616815  0.181386616 -1.645650e-15  7.445343e-16
#> TTRN  -0.49417918 -0.095026370  3.536674e-16 -1.428385e-15
#> TFWSR -0.32960316  0.499641762 -3.419350e-01 -1.381350e-01
#> TTRW   0.31608453 -0.416500300 -1.460210e-01  3.614559e-01
#> TFWSS -0.10285083 -0.558642359 -4.445235e-01 -1.795787e-01
#> TTSW   0.07640644  0.454657280 -1.764363e-01  4.367448e-01
#> TTPW  -0.21455970 -0.104941479  7.383608e-01  2.982832e-01
#> AVPW   0.20120313  0.065453705  2.963963e-01 -7.336900e-01
#> ARSR  -0.01979215 -0.027945977 -1.084265e-16  5.583470e-18
#> SRDM  -0.01152032 -0.009060183 -1.189926e-16 -1.143250e-16
#> $`CS PC Importance`
#>                             PC1      PC2      PC3       PC4       PC5       PC6
#> Standard deviation     2.280951 1.312257 1.000457 0.8959377 0.8451336 0.6538375
#> Proportion of Variance 0.520270 0.172200 0.100090 0.0802700 0.0714300 0.0427500
#> Cumulative Proportion  0.520270 0.692480 0.792570 0.8728400 0.9442600 0.9870100
#>                              PC7       PC8          PC9         PC10
#> Standard deviation     0.3207286 0.1643265 1.032366e-15 3.669511e-16
#> Proportion of Variance 0.0102900 0.0027000 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00
#> Cumulative Proportion  0.9973000 1.0000000 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00
#> $`CS PC Loadings`
#>               PC1         PC2          PC3         PC4         PC5          PC6
#> NMSR   0.23686459  0.57588211 -0.118000407  0.18406534  0.22404134 -0.154356246
#> TTRN   0.27243380  0.28489364 -0.238654425 -0.39636509  0.59296937 -0.185643439
#> TFWSR  0.38732336  0.05088131  0.173676592  0.15588284 -0.33283776 -0.410239780
#> TTRW   0.34195710 -0.29955595  0.132403764 -0.37824392 -0.14609160 -0.425032356
#> TFWSS  0.38798499  0.11032791  0.002061297  0.40943370 -0.02293943  0.339541418
#> TTSW   0.36275510 -0.26716740 -0.043442847 -0.11254725  0.18634678  0.589974192
#> TTPW   0.41017366  0.08800885  0.085090829  0.31069206 -0.17398680 -0.002991297
#> AVPW   0.38441017 -0.30812430  0.044838607 -0.26192922  0.02880417  0.110848682
#> ARSR   0.02642625  0.53641424  0.049592980 -0.54225171 -0.54787309  0.334180984
#> SRDM  -0.06233279  0.14455341  0.931570561 -0.04658879  0.31551819  0.073690249
#>               PC7          PC8           PC9          PC10
#> NMSR   0.69455927  0.089542525 -5.893990e-16  2.361951e-17
#> TTRN  -0.49373454 -0.026538022  7.853091e-16 -3.234060e-16
#> TFWSR -0.24125034  0.553541017  3.409506e-02  3.848106e-01
#> TTRW   0.26321979 -0.434887362 -4.135011e-01  3.663710e-02
#> TFWSS -0.17717813 -0.557775840  4.057250e-02  4.579176e-01
#> TTSW   0.13648832  0.424831173 -4.461038e-01  3.952578e-02
#> TTPW  -0.21841109 -0.053240284 -7.057336e-02 -7.965194e-01
#> AVPW   0.21517212  0.012287406  7.888086e-01 -6.989017e-02
#> ARSR  -0.04644065 -0.032656495  2.874973e-17 -6.847934e-17
#> SRDM  -0.01212024 -0.009789162  5.367396e-17  1.281538e-18
#> $`Scree Plot`

#> $`PC Loadings Plot`
