freqdist.augmentedRCBD plots frequency distribution from an object of class augmentedRCBD along with the corresponding normal curve and check means with standard errors (if specified by argument highlight.check).

freqdist.augmentedRCBD(aug, xlab, highlight.check = TRUE, check.col = "red")



An object of class augmentedRCBD.


The text for x axis label as a character string.


If TRUE, the check means and standard errors are also plotted. Default is TRUE.


The colour(s) to be used to highlight check values in the plot as a character vector. Must be valid colour values in R (named colours, hexadecimal representation, index of colours [1:8] in default R palette() etc.).


The frequency distribution plot as a ggplot2 plot grob.

See also


# Example data
blk <- c(rep(1,7),rep(2,6),rep(3,7))
trt <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 11, 12, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 6, 10)
y1 <- c(92, 79, 87, 81, 96, 89, 82, 79, 81, 81, 91, 79, 78, 83, 77, 78, 78,
        70, 75, 74)
y2 <- c(258, 224, 238, 278, 347, 300, 289, 260, 220, 237, 227, 281, 311, 250,
        240, 268, 287, 226, 395, 450)
data <- data.frame(blk, trt, y1, y2)
# Convert block and treatment to factors
data$blk <- as.factor(data$blk)
data$trt <- as.factor(data$trt)
# Results for variable y1
out1 <- augmentedRCBD(data$blk, data$trt, data$y1, method.comp = "lsd",
                      alpha = 0.05, group = TRUE, console = TRUE)
#> Augmented Design Details
#> ========================
#> Number of blocks           "3"         
#> Number of treatments       "12"        
#> Number of check treatments "4"         
#> Number of test treatments  "8"         
#> Check treatments           "1, 2, 3, 4"
#> ANOVA, Treatment Adjusted
#> =========================
#>                                      Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)  
#> Block (ignoring Treatments)           2  360.1  180.04   6.675 0.0298 *
#> Treatment (eliminating Blocks)       11  285.1   25.92   0.961 0.5499  
#>   Treatment: Check                    3   52.9   17.64   0.654 0.6092  
#>   Treatment: Test and Test vs. Check  8  232.2   29.02   1.076 0.4779  
#> Residuals                             6  161.8   26.97                 
#> ---
#> Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
#> ANOVA, Block Adjusted
#> =====================
#>                                Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
#> Treatment (ignoring Blocks)    11  575.7   52.33   1.940  0.215
#>   Treatment: Check              3   52.9   17.64   0.654  0.609
#>   Treatment: Test               7  505.9   72.27   2.679  0.125
#>   Treatment: Test vs. Check     1   16.9   16.87   0.626  0.459
#> Block (eliminating Treatments)  2   69.5   34.75   1.288  0.342
#> Residuals                       6  161.8   26.97               
#> Coefficient of Variation
#> ========================
#> 6.372367
#> Overall Adjusted Mean
#> =====================
#> 81.0625
#> Standard Errors
#> ===============
#>                                          Std. Error of Diff.  CD (5%)
#> Control Treatment Means                             4.240458 10.37603
#> Two Test Treatments (Same Block)                    7.344688 17.97180
#> Two Test Treatments (Different Blocks)              8.211611 20.09309
#> A Test Treatment and a Control Treatment            6.704752 16.40594
#> Treatment Means
#> ===============
#>  Treatment Block Means   SE r   Min   Max Adjusted Means
#>          1       84.67 3.84 3 79.00 92.00          84.67
#>         10     3 74.00 <NA> 1 74.00 74.00          77.25
#>         11     1 89.00 <NA> 1 89.00 89.00          86.50
#>         12     1 82.00 <NA> 1 82.00 82.00          79.50
#>          2       79.00 1.15 3 77.00 81.00          79.00
#>          3       82.00 2.65 3 78.00 87.00          82.00
#>          4       83.33 3.93 3 78.00 91.00          83.33
#>          5     2 79.00 <NA> 1 79.00 79.00          78.25
#>          6     3 75.00 <NA> 1 75.00 75.00          78.25
#>          7     1 96.00 <NA> 1 96.00 96.00          93.50
#>          8     3 70.00 <NA> 1 70.00 70.00          73.25
#>          9     2 78.00 <NA> 1 78.00 78.00          77.25
#> Comparisons
#> ===========
#> Method : lsd
#>                   contrast estimate   SE df t.ratio p.value sig
#>    treatment1 - treatment2     5.67 4.24  6   1.336   0.230    
#>    treatment1 - treatment3     2.67 4.24  6   0.629   0.553    
#>    treatment1 - treatment4     1.33 4.24  6   0.314   0.764    
#>    treatment1 - treatment5     6.42 6.36  6   1.009   0.352    
#>    treatment1 - treatment6     6.42 6.36  6   1.009   0.352    
#>    treatment1 - treatment7    -8.83 6.36  6  -1.389   0.214    
#>    treatment1 - treatment8    11.42 6.36  6   1.795   0.123    
#>    treatment1 - treatment9     7.42 6.36  6   1.166   0.288    
#>   treatment1 - treatment10     7.42 6.36  6   1.166   0.288    
#>   treatment1 - treatment11    -1.83 6.36  6  -0.288   0.783    
#>   treatment1 - treatment12     5.17 6.36  6   0.812   0.448    
#>    treatment2 - treatment3    -3.00 4.24  6  -0.707   0.506    
#>    treatment2 - treatment4    -4.33 4.24  6  -1.022   0.346    
#>    treatment2 - treatment5     0.75 6.36  6   0.118   0.910    
#>    treatment2 - treatment6     0.75 6.36  6   0.118   0.910    
#>    treatment2 - treatment7   -14.50 6.36  6  -2.280   0.063    
#>    treatment2 - treatment8     5.75 6.36  6   0.904   0.401    
#>    treatment2 - treatment9     1.75 6.36  6   0.275   0.792    
#>   treatment2 - treatment10     1.75 6.36  6   0.275   0.792    
#>   treatment2 - treatment11    -7.50 6.36  6  -1.179   0.283    
#>   treatment2 - treatment12    -0.50 6.36  6  -0.079   0.940    
#>    treatment3 - treatment4    -1.33 4.24  6  -0.314   0.764    
#>    treatment3 - treatment5     3.75 6.36  6   0.590   0.577    
#>    treatment3 - treatment6     3.75 6.36  6   0.590   0.577    
#>    treatment3 - treatment7   -11.50 6.36  6  -1.808   0.121    
#>    treatment3 - treatment8     8.75 6.36  6   1.376   0.218    
#>    treatment3 - treatment9     4.75 6.36  6   0.747   0.483    
#>   treatment3 - treatment10     4.75 6.36  6   0.747   0.483    
#>   treatment3 - treatment11    -4.50 6.36  6  -0.707   0.506    
#>   treatment3 - treatment12     2.50 6.36  6   0.393   0.708    
#>    treatment4 - treatment5     5.08 6.36  6   0.799   0.455    
#>    treatment4 - treatment6     5.08 6.36  6   0.799   0.455    
#>    treatment4 - treatment7   -10.17 6.36  6  -1.598   0.161    
#>    treatment4 - treatment8    10.08 6.36  6   1.585   0.164    
#>    treatment4 - treatment9     6.08 6.36  6   0.956   0.376    
#>   treatment4 - treatment10     6.08 6.36  6   0.956   0.376    
#>   treatment4 - treatment11    -3.17 6.36  6  -0.498   0.636    
#>   treatment4 - treatment12     3.83 6.36  6   0.603   0.569    
#>    treatment5 - treatment6     0.00 8.21  6   0.000   1.000    
#>    treatment5 - treatment7   -15.25 8.21  6  -1.857   0.113    
#>    treatment5 - treatment8     5.00 8.21  6   0.609   0.565    
#>    treatment5 - treatment9     1.00 7.34  6   0.136   0.896    
#>   treatment5 - treatment10     1.00 8.21  6   0.122   0.907    
#>   treatment5 - treatment11    -8.25 8.21  6  -1.005   0.354    
#>   treatment5 - treatment12    -1.25 8.21  6  -0.152   0.884    
#>    treatment6 - treatment7   -15.25 8.21  6  -1.857   0.113    
#>    treatment6 - treatment8     5.00 7.34  6   0.681   0.521    
#>    treatment6 - treatment9     1.00 8.21  6   0.122   0.907    
#>   treatment6 - treatment10     1.00 7.34  6   0.136   0.896    
#>   treatment6 - treatment11    -8.25 8.21  6  -1.005   0.354    
#>   treatment6 - treatment12    -1.25 8.21  6  -0.152   0.884    
#>    treatment7 - treatment8    20.25 8.21  6   2.466   0.049   *
#>    treatment7 - treatment9    16.25 8.21  6   1.979   0.095    
#>   treatment7 - treatment10    16.25 8.21  6   1.979   0.095    
#>   treatment7 - treatment11     7.00 7.34  6   0.953   0.377    
#>   treatment7 - treatment12    14.00 7.34  6   1.906   0.105    
#>    treatment8 - treatment9    -4.00 8.21  6  -0.487   0.643    
#>   treatment8 - treatment10    -4.00 7.34  6  -0.545   0.606    
#>   treatment8 - treatment11   -13.25 8.21  6  -1.614   0.158    
#>   treatment8 - treatment12    -6.25 8.21  6  -0.761   0.475    
#>   treatment9 - treatment10    -0.00 8.21  6  -0.000   1.000    
#>   treatment9 - treatment11    -9.25 8.21  6  -1.126   0.303    
#>   treatment9 - treatment12    -2.25 8.21  6  -0.274   0.793    
#>  treatment10 - treatment11    -9.25 8.21  6  -1.126   0.303    
#>  treatment10 - treatment12    -2.25 8.21  6  -0.274   0.793    
#>  treatment11 - treatment12     7.00 7.34  6   0.953   0.377    
#> Treatment Groups
#> ================
#> Method : lsd
#>  Treatment Adjusted Means   SE df lower.CL upper.CL Group
#>          8          73.25 5.61  6    59.52    86.98    1 
#>          9          77.25 5.61  6    63.52    90.98    12
#>         10          77.25 5.61  6    63.52    90.98    12
#>          5          78.25 5.61  6    64.52    91.98    12
#>          6          78.25 5.61  6    64.52    91.98    12
#>          2          79.00 3.00  6    71.66    86.34    12
#>         12          79.50 5.61  6    65.77    93.23    12
#>          3          82.00 3.00  6    74.66    89.34    12
#>          4          83.33 3.00  6    76.00    90.67    12
#>          1          84.67 3.00  6    77.33    92.00    12
#>         11          86.50 5.61  6    72.77   100.23    12
#>          7          93.50 5.61  6    79.77   107.23     2
# Results for variable y2
out2 <- augmentedRCBD(data$blk, data$trt, data$y2, method.comp = "lsd",
                     alpha = 0.05, group = TRUE, console = TRUE)
#> Augmented Design Details
#> ========================
#> Number of blocks           "3"         
#> Number of treatments       "12"        
#> Number of check treatments "4"         
#> Number of test treatments  "8"         
#> Check treatments           "1, 2, 3, 4"
#> ANOVA, Treatment Adjusted
#> =========================
#>                                      Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value   Pr(>F)    
#> Block (ignoring Treatments)           2   7019    3510  12.261 0.007597 ** 
#> Treatment (eliminating Blocks)       11  58965    5360  18.727 0.000920 ***
#>   Treatment: Check                    3   2150     717   2.504 0.156116    
#>   Treatment: Test and Test vs. Check  8  56815    7102  24.810 0.000473 ***
#> Residuals                             6   1718     286                     
#> ---
#> Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
#> ANOVA, Block Adjusted
#> =====================
#>                                Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value   Pr(>F)    
#> Treatment (ignoring Blocks)    11  64708    5883  20.550 0.000707 ***
#>   Treatment: Check              3   2150     717   2.504 0.156116    
#>   Treatment: Test               7  34863    4980  17.399 0.001366 ** 
#>   Treatment: Test vs. Check     1  27694   27694  96.749 6.36e-05 ***
#> Block (eliminating Treatments)  2   1277     639   2.231 0.188645    
#> Residuals                       6   1717     286                     
#> ---
#> Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
#> Coefficient of Variation
#> ========================
#> 6.057617
#> Overall Adjusted Mean
#> =====================
#> 298.4792
#> Standard Errors
#> ===============
#>                                          Std. Error of Diff.  CD (5%)
#> Control Treatment Means                             13.81424 33.80224
#> Two Test Treatments (Same Block)                    23.92697 58.54719
#> Two Test Treatments (Different Blocks)              26.75117 65.45775
#> A Test Treatment and a Control Treatment            21.84224 53.44603
#> Treatment Means
#> ===============
#>  Treatment Block  Means    SE r    Min    Max Adjusted Means
#>          1       256.00  3.06 3 250.00 260.00         256.00
#>         10     3 450.00  <NA> 1 450.00 450.00         437.67
#>         11     1 300.00  <NA> 1 300.00 300.00         299.42
#>         12     1 289.00  <NA> 1 289.00 289.00         288.42
#>          2       228.00  6.11 3 220.00 240.00         228.00
#>          3       247.67 10.17 3 237.00 268.00         247.67
#>          4       264.00 18.68 3 227.00 287.00         264.00
#>          5     2 281.00  <NA> 1 281.00 281.00         293.92
#>          6     3 395.00  <NA> 1 395.00 395.00         382.67
#>          7     1 347.00  <NA> 1 347.00 347.00         346.42
#>          8     3 226.00  <NA> 1 226.00 226.00         213.67
#>          9     2 311.00  <NA> 1 311.00 311.00         323.92
#> Comparisons
#> ===========
#> Method : lsd
#>                   contrast estimate    SE df t.ratio p.value sig
#>    treatment1 - treatment2    28.00 13.81  6   2.027   0.089    
#>    treatment1 - treatment3     8.33 13.81  6   0.603   0.568    
#>    treatment1 - treatment4    -8.00 13.81  6  -0.579   0.584    
#>    treatment1 - treatment5   -37.92 20.72  6  -1.830   0.117    
#>    treatment1 - treatment6  -126.67 20.72  6  -6.113   0.001 ***
#>    treatment1 - treatment7   -90.42 20.72  6  -4.363   0.005  **
#>    treatment1 - treatment8    42.33 20.72  6   2.043   0.087    
#>    treatment1 - treatment9   -67.92 20.72  6  -3.278   0.017   *
#>   treatment1 - treatment10  -181.67 20.72  6  -8.767   0.000 ***
#>   treatment1 - treatment11   -43.42 20.72  6  -2.095   0.081    
#>   treatment1 - treatment12   -32.42 20.72  6  -1.564   0.169    
#>    treatment2 - treatment3   -19.67 13.81  6  -1.424   0.204    
#>    treatment2 - treatment4   -36.00 13.81  6  -2.606   0.040   *
#>    treatment2 - treatment5   -65.92 20.72  6  -3.181   0.019   *
#>    treatment2 - treatment6  -154.67 20.72  6  -7.464   0.000 ***
#>    treatment2 - treatment7  -118.42 20.72  6  -5.715   0.001  **
#>    treatment2 - treatment8    14.33 20.72  6   0.692   0.515    
#>    treatment2 - treatment9   -95.92 20.72  6  -4.629   0.004  **
#>   treatment2 - treatment10  -209.67 20.72  6 -10.118   0.000 ***
#>   treatment2 - treatment11   -71.42 20.72  6  -3.447   0.014   *
#>   treatment2 - treatment12   -60.42 20.72  6  -2.916   0.027   *
#>    treatment3 - treatment4   -16.33 13.81  6  -1.182   0.282    
#>    treatment3 - treatment5   -46.25 20.72  6  -2.232   0.067    
#>    treatment3 - treatment6  -135.00 20.72  6  -6.515   0.001 ***
#>    treatment3 - treatment7   -98.75 20.72  6  -4.766   0.003  **
#>    treatment3 - treatment8    34.00 20.72  6   1.641   0.152    
#>    treatment3 - treatment9   -76.25 20.72  6  -3.680   0.010   *
#>   treatment3 - treatment10  -190.00 20.72  6  -9.169   0.000 ***
#>   treatment3 - treatment11   -51.75 20.72  6  -2.497   0.047   *
#>   treatment3 - treatment12   -40.75 20.72  6  -1.967   0.097    
#>    treatment4 - treatment5   -29.92 20.72  6  -1.444   0.199    
#>    treatment4 - treatment6  -118.67 20.72  6  -5.727   0.001  **
#>    treatment4 - treatment7   -82.42 20.72  6  -3.977   0.007  **
#>    treatment4 - treatment8    50.33 20.72  6   2.429   0.051    
#>    treatment4 - treatment9   -59.92 20.72  6  -2.892   0.028   *
#>   treatment4 - treatment10  -173.67 20.72  6  -8.381   0.000 ***
#>   treatment4 - treatment11   -35.42 20.72  6  -1.709   0.138    
#>   treatment4 - treatment12   -24.42 20.72  6  -1.178   0.283    
#>    treatment5 - treatment6   -88.75 26.75  6  -3.318   0.016   *
#>    treatment5 - treatment7   -52.50 26.75  6  -1.963   0.097    
#>    treatment5 - treatment8    80.25 26.75  6   3.000   0.024   *
#>    treatment5 - treatment9   -30.00 23.93  6  -1.254   0.257    
#>   treatment5 - treatment10  -143.75 26.75  6  -5.374   0.002  **
#>   treatment5 - treatment11    -5.50 26.75  6  -0.206   0.844    
#>   treatment5 - treatment12     5.50 26.75  6   0.206   0.844    
#>    treatment6 - treatment7    36.25 26.75  6   1.355   0.224    
#>    treatment6 - treatment8   169.00 23.93  6   7.063   0.000 ***
#>    treatment6 - treatment9    58.75 26.75  6   2.196   0.070    
#>   treatment6 - treatment10   -55.00 23.93  6  -2.299   0.061    
#>   treatment6 - treatment11    83.25 26.75  6   3.112   0.021   *
#>   treatment6 - treatment12    94.25 26.75  6   3.523   0.012   *
#>    treatment7 - treatment8   132.75 26.75  6   4.962   0.003  **
#>    treatment7 - treatment9    22.50 26.75  6   0.841   0.433    
#>   treatment7 - treatment10   -91.25 26.75  6  -3.411   0.014   *
#>   treatment7 - treatment11    47.00 23.93  6   1.964   0.097    
#>   treatment7 - treatment12    58.00 23.93  6   2.424   0.052    
#>    treatment8 - treatment9  -110.25 26.75  6  -4.121   0.006  **
#>   treatment8 - treatment10  -224.00 23.93  6  -9.362   0.000 ***
#>   treatment8 - treatment11   -85.75 26.75  6  -3.205   0.018   *
#>   treatment8 - treatment12   -74.75 26.75  6  -2.794   0.031   *
#>   treatment9 - treatment10  -113.75 26.75  6  -4.252   0.005  **
#>   treatment9 - treatment11    24.50 26.75  6   0.916   0.395    
#>   treatment9 - treatment12    35.50 26.75  6   1.327   0.233    
#>  treatment10 - treatment11   138.25 26.75  6   5.168   0.002  **
#>  treatment10 - treatment12   149.25 26.75  6   5.579   0.001  **
#>  treatment11 - treatment12    11.00 23.93  6   0.460   0.662    
#> Treatment Groups
#> ================
#> Method : lsd
#>  Treatment Adjusted Means    SE df lower.CL upper.CL    Group
#>          8         213.67 18.27  6   168.95   258.38  12     
#>          2         228.00  9.77  6   204.10   251.90  1      
#>          3         247.67  9.77  6   223.76   271.57  123    
#>          1         256.00  9.77  6   232.10   279.90  1234   
#>          4         264.00  9.77  6   240.10   287.90   234   
#>         12         288.42 18.27  6   243.70   333.13    345  
#>          5         293.92 18.27  6   249.20   338.63    345  
#>         11         299.42 18.27  6   254.70   344.13     45  
#>          9         323.92 18.27  6   279.20   368.63      56 
#>          7         346.42 18.27  6   301.70   391.13      56 
#>          6         382.67 18.27  6   337.95   427.38       67
#>         10         437.67 18.27  6   392.95   482.38        7

# Frequency distribution plots
freq1 <- freqdist.augmentedRCBD(out1, xlab = "Trait 1")
#> Warning: Removed 2 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range
#> (`geom_bar()`).
#> [1] "gtable" "gTree"  "grob"   "gDesc" 

freq2 <- freqdist.augmentedRCBD(out2, xlab = "Trait 2")
#> Warning: Removed 2 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range
#> (`geom_bar()`).

# Change check colours
colset <- c("red3", "green4", "purple3", "darkorange3")
freq1 <- freqdist.augmentedRCBD(out1, xlab = "Trait 1", check.col = colset)
#> Warning: Removed 2 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range
#> (`geom_bar()`).

freq2 <- freqdist.augmentedRCBD(out2, xlab = "Trait 2", check.col = colset)
#> Warning: Removed 2 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range
#> (`geom_bar()`).

# Without checks highlighted
freq1 <- freqdist.augmentedRCBD(out1, xlab = "Trait 1",
                                highlight.check = FALSE)
#> Warning: Removed 2 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range
#> (`geom_bar()`).

freq2 <- freqdist.augmentedRCBD(out2, xlab = "Trait 2",
                                highlight.check = FALSE)
#> Warning: Removed 2 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range
#> (`geom_bar()`).